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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  October 26, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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maybe it is waiting for the election. to be over, like the rest of us. >> it is already a killer. and it ain't getting started, the frankenstorm is scaring up trouble along the east coast the up. we are all offer it. welcome, everyone, glad to have you. sandy, anything but dandy, the killer storm blamed for 29 deaths in the caribbean and now headed for the east coast. it has been downgraded to a category one hurricane at the moment sandy will hit a fierce winter storm to the west and blast of arctic air to the north and now it gets spooky, and it could be a super storm, a 100 year storm. that is unique and dangerous.
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along the jersey shore heavy equipment is being brought in to sure up the beaches and people stocking up on flashlights and batteries and power subsequent operators and bakery prodded. i made that up. and now to rick and how bad this is getting. rick: we are coming to your house. hope you have a gas stove because you may need i. people will be without power if quit a while because there are going to be so many power outages. it does not look like an organized storm as far as hurricanes and it is still a hurricane but the storm will make a transition with the rain look like a typical hurricane hitting florida and moving toward the carolinas but the models are doing different things. this current model we have been looking at, this is very
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different from where it has been the last couple of days which has been moving toward parts of the mid-atlantic and now it is trending to the north so potentially more toward new york or boston again. the latest track, though, still continues to show this moving to the northeast and then back to the west and that makes it a historic storm. we cannot thing of this like you think of storms in the way of hurricanes. the strongest winds the not be in the center of the storm but they will be really, really far out and we will have strong winds for a far reaching area. we will still see storm surge because it is a tropical storm so it has tropical moisture, more moisture in the storm and we will see some spots with 10" of rain, not snow, rain, but heavy rain falling and the winds will be with us around 36 or maybe 48 hours.
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that is a lot people with winds at 40 to 60 miles per hour, and maybe guests from 80 to 90 so massive power outages. this is hitting boston to washington, dc, with so many people in this area. >>neil: i am being serve selfing, what about halloween? how does it look if halloween in rick: halloween night is looking better. the problem is, a lot of people are going to be without power so halloween may not happen if there are trees down. people will be cleaning up. but the weather will be better by that night. >> thank you. as rick mentioned the monster storm is not just impacting the shoreline but heavy rains up to 2' of snow, expected to take a toll on power lines and utility crews trying to get ahead of this to the weather forecaster who has been keeping track of all of this. if the power goes out, the question is, how lock does it
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stay out? what do you think? >>guest: well, we should look at irene. this will cause at least as much problem as irene. i expect this to get their act right back together and do not be viced if this is a category two or category three by sunday before it turned to the northwest. it is very warm water in the atlantic. very warm. we back in the 1950s. we had ten major hurricanes on the east coast including hazel in 1954 in mid-october which had a path similar to this but it was to the west. that want into north carolina and you notice this storm is attacking from the southeast, right? and basically, it is that path superimposed to the east so hazel led to wind gusts at 100. >>neil: what makes it a mess for the northeast, combining
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with the other areas? >>guest: what makes it, (a), it moves slow and intensifies miling water to the northeast beaches. that is first. >>neil: and it sits? >>guest: full moon and look at the way the coast is shaped. it is shaped so you funnel water into new york city and push the storm surge in. the normal hurricane like irene comes along the coast and heads for long island and we get flooding along the coast but this is piling water back in. there is a storm, a fictional storm for new york city that comes from the southeast, drives the storm surge through long island sound in the city and from the narrows. what is amazing, this has the chance to do that and that puts the battery underwater and we could have subways flooded and everything else back in here. >>neil: we are coming up on election day. could we see power outages, still, on election day? >>guest: i am taking credit
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for starting that a couple days ago with a tweet. a friend said what about the election, and i said, you are right, we can have power outages, we will, until that time. >>neil: a broad area? >>guest: from washington, dc, all the way up to boston. like rick said, this will have a wide swath of wind but what will distinguish this storm coming from the southeast will be the amazing storm surge in some places that have not seen this, the northern jersey shore and the southern jersey shore. providence, if it came out further east, providence was under 50' water and now there is a dam. we have not seen this, myself and my father who is a meteorologist, we wonder idea we have not soon it, my dad called it the shortcut storm that comes from the southeast to the not land dick and this is maybe that
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shortcut storm. >>neil: thank you, gentleman self. in the meantime the governors of maryland and virginia must be reading joe's tweaks because they are declaring states of emergency as hurricane sandy approaches. the storm has the potential to affect up to 66 million americans living along the east coast and that has a lot of local government on special alert. and michael brown says they have good reason to be concerned. michael, what do they do? what do you have to do? >>guest: well, i'm amazed at joe's report because that echoes something we did, gosh, eight years ago when we put together our ten worst fears of catastrophic disaster. i hope this is not catastrophic but what joe described is the kind of storm we thought would be most devastating. that was the kind of storm where the surge goes up the hudson river. imagine in a typical hurricane five or ten or 15' of water,
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think of the west side highway and go to the west and imagine 15' of water coming up the hudson river and joe's point about it yeting in the subways and everything else, it is going to be horrible for new york city. my advise, neil, and i care about you, you stay up on the top floors on avenue of americas and do not get below. there will be serious flooding. >>neil: this is a street level studio. that could be a problem. so i understand a you saying. here is what i think a lot of members, they get very blase they hear "storm of the century" but you are saying, don't be so cavalier. why? what has your attention? >>guest: what joe said, the pattern this is taking up the coast. normally you have a nor'easter
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where it heads east, it hits long island, headed up to boston. based on the patterns i have eastbound -- seen on the cone it could head up the hudson river. imagine that and the fact you have cold fronts and arctic front coming down so all that moisture hits the cold air you have a heavy wet know like you have in colorado like a couple of days ago, and now you have a power outage that doesn't just affect the front range of colorado but that affects the most populated area of the united states, washington, dc, boston, that corridor. people are thinking it is no big deal. i say did my friends in manhattan, no big deal and you live on the 35th floor and you don't have power for five days? you will be in good shape at the end of five days. >>neil: and we are getting close to the election a week after next, if you are right and
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i don't is right and this is a doozy power could be out for a significant amount of time or through election day. how likely is that? what do you think officials do, and it is just a guess, do they extend voting hours? does this get to be a november 7th vote? >>guest: you may not have power, and, again, i focus on manhattan because that is where you are, but say that there is not power in manhattan on that day you can still hold elections you just have to do it the old fashioned way, maybe you citizen -- extend the voting areas for 24 hours. it is not just election boards but wall street, it is verizon, everyone, should be having the contingency plans in place, think about the worst case scenario, again, i'm not talking about the fact this is the stock market of the century where throughs are going to be killed. it is the inconvenience of not
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having power if that part of the country for days. >>neil: we remember it well, and hurricane an drew disrupted trading on wall street. and they noticed that. thank you, michael brown former homeland security expert there when a lot people were not. >> down to four. and the winner takes the country. so you say men are superior drivers? yeah. then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. are you in good hands?
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[ female announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> this economy will come roaring back. we will create 12 million new jobs in four years with rising take home pay and get america's economy growing at 4 percent a year more than double this year's rate. >>neil: governor romney is calling for bold changes in a major speech in iowa. why iowa? well, because it is one of four
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crucial states that could decide this entire election. david, break it down. >>reporter: well, in recent days, what have seen that incoming in looks like it is going to governor romney. florida is lean nothing that direction. virginia, despite some of the polls, looking better for obama, the obama campaign sort of had officials telling the national journal that is look like a romney state. where does it get fought out? in ohio. in new hampshire. in iowa. in wisconsin. if romney can hold on to the other states and get ohio, he wins. if he cannot get ohio he could still win by getting wisconsin and either of the other two, new hampshire or iowa. but that is less likely path. nevada, which was on the map, seems to is gone for obama, the romney campaign is pessimistic about it according to the latest
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reports. right now the president leads and it is tight, in all four of these states, then what? >> well, if president obama wins all four state obviously he is re-elected. >>neil: there is no factoring out surprising wins for romney elsewhere? if wisconsin and ohio that speaks of the midwest, the rust belt, sticking with the president not going to romney making his climb with virginia and north carolina and winning indiana back, not enough? >>guest: he could make up for it by winning pennsylvania, for example, but that is highly unlikely. if romney is having this tough of a time in ohio which is more republican state than pennsylvania, how does he win there? the argument for pennsylvania would be that no one has been advertise there and it is a virgin market. you can go in and define things right away with a message and the other guy isn't doing it,
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but it has an expensive message to send, very low likelihood of success for romney trying that out. can you see the possibility of a 2000 deal where one guy wins the popular vote and the other guys wins the electoral and according to most polls, but not all, romney has one or two or three-point lead in the popular vote but not so in the electoral vote. it is more likely than we think, isn't it? >>guest: i do remember feeling this way during the 2000 election that there was a disconnect between the national polls and the state polls. on election day, and the following month, i remember feel ing like, won't this just end in i also remember in 2004 that it still came down to ohio and we are not that far off from having it that split.
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we were 70,000 or 80,000 away. >>neil: if john kerry won that state he would have been president because he would have been over two then. -- over two 70. >>guest: it is possible. some may discount the possibility but it doesn't seem likely but you talk about something being unprecedented and then it happens. >>neil: that is true. and now, iran and hewlett-packard, and one should be punished and you will not believe who will be. americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894,
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>>neil: governor romney canceled an event in virginia because of sand difficult. but not all of the events. we will hear more about this. the governor has the authority to postpone the election day in extreme calamities but it is highly unlikely in the event power outages that make it difficult for folks to get to the polls. so there is talk already about extending the election day from november 6 to november 7. we are already thinking of that here because we are on air around 6:00 p.m. and we are thinking, say they go into the next day, it is jerry lewis at the end of the telethon for me but it is not about me but it will be if that is what they do. >> forget iran. the united nations think the corporate america is the big threat. there is an explosive new report from the u.n. human rights council that accuses american
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business icons of human rights violations. among the targets are >>shepard: and caterpillar and it urges a boycott all of the companies and there are a lot of thing they do wrong but one big things is they all do business in and with israel. that has human watcher outright not surprised. what is this about? >>guest: this is the work of one of the resident antisemites of the united nations. there are a great many but this is american, and his name is richard falk and doing this if years. he came up with a report he friended to the john general assembly. he is with the human rights council and specializes in a attacking israel and leveraging your tax dollars for his
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antisemetic agenda. >>neil: under the umbrella this is not antisemetism but it comes back do that. >>guest: actually, this is someone who takes such a single minded approach to anyway to slam israel with a 60 year appointment that does not expire until 2014. >>neil: who else is on the council? there is always a nut in every group, but, that means other nuts have to countenance this. who is going along? >>guest: well, the united states sits on the human rights council. president obama decided to join it after president bush called it hopelessly --. >>neil: i imagine we would be opposed? >>guest: we should be. our ambassador to the u.n. has said it is unacceptable. >>neil: what happens with this and how far does it go and do they have the power to penalize
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the companies? >>guest: they have the power to try to shame or persuade but they do not have legal power. he is trying to use u.n. initiative, the global compact, and that is a slush fund set under kofi annan to persuade big businesses to pledge loyalty to the u.n. secretary-general and promise to adhere to standards of good governance as set by the united nations and in this case, as being preached by resident antisemite richard falk. >>neil: i wish we had more time, he is chairman of the delegation found talking to leaders in tehran. what is going on? >> what is going on, it is not only moral equivalent where the u.n. thinks they are being even
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handed and attacking chemical accuracies regardless of what is good, the same way that they have done in many cases more vociferously than going after iran, but, at the same time, the united states administration which should be doing more than calling this "unacceptable," it is not pressing the through and there is in go reason that he is kept on as a specialen -- specialen special envoy. >>neil: it is like me overseeing the nutrition council. >> 30 days, 2,000 business owners, and now herman cain
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after this and his talk about jobs.
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>>neil: an economy trying to get back on top with economic growth better-than-expected in the third quarter which is still not to say it is "good" but it is better. or is it? business investment is down. government spending is up. that doesn't have herman cain fired up. the former c.e.o., presidential candidate traveling the country for 30 days meeting with 2,000
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business owners hearing one message. what is the message, herman cain? >>guest: the message is simple: uncertainty is killing this economy. i have asked 2,000 business owners at every lunch ons, a simple question: how many of you have jobs? but you are not expanding because of the uncertainty relative to rolling out obamacare and relative to taxes? every hand goes up every time. this economy has growth potential but it is not going anywhere. >>neil: so, when you take about guy whose want clarity what type of clarity would necessity like? one c.e.o. i talked to said i don't even care if it is bad news just as long as i know how bad and when it is coming. at least it is something. to things they looking for the most. first, clarity relative to
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taxes. governor romney has proposed 20 percent across-the-board tax cut and they do not want it to be temporary because that creates uncertainty. second, a repeal and replacement of obamacare. i have had nearly 30 percent of the people i have talked to of the 2000 business owners tell me directly they will have to shut down if they are forced to completely implement obamacare. this is the kind of sun turnty they want to get rid of and they are ready to expand taxes which are indefinite and getting rid of obamacare the biggest regulatory threat. >>neil: i want did bring if the hurricane and there is a reason. what has been mentioned is this is going to disrupt certainly the east coast, a population center affecting one out of five, maybe one out of six americans depending how you look at it and it could knock out power for an extended period of
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time for the most populated regions of the country. that is the issue for election day. maybe they citizen election day. they are talking about that. >>guest: that is a possibility. but, remember, i'm in wisconsin right now doing this live connect and it wasn't supposed to number town and now it is 49 percent and 49 percent versus governor romney. pennsylvania wasn't supposed to be if play, two states that i believe will be pivotal. it will probably not impact ohio and ohio is still a very serious battleground state. obviously we all pray that people will not be affected and lives will not be lost because of the storm but if it does, it is probably going to impact both
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parties equally but the other thing we have to look at, the states that are inland, that bodes well for governor romney in what is coming up. >>neil: here is where my theory comes in to play. getting out your jazzed based and whoever is more jazzed they will come out going through rain and power outages to get to the polls and that lies this passion game define the candidates, whoever has more jazzed troops. >>guest: an article this morning shows the enthusiasm for republicans is now substantially higher than that for democrats. assuming that all people would be impacted the same the good news is the enthuse a is on romney's side right now just like old man momentum is also moving in his direction.
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the impact of the storm will impact both bases but right now romney has momentum and the enthuse a among conservatives and republicans right now is much higher than for democrats. but we do know that mitt romney has put off one event in virginia because of this and i am sure others will, as well. does it disrupt the flow of the campaign? the momentum? how do you think it plays out? >>guest: i don't think it will disrupt the momentum of the campaign. here is why. remember the first debate, the break out event for governor romney and although the liberals said, well, he is number two, and obama came back, but people have started to see governor romney through an unfiltered mainstream media lens so i don't think it will disrupt the momentum of the campaign. the people will be disappointed
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they do not get a firsthand look at the republican candidate but that momentum is going to continue even if he has to cancel some events because of the weather. >>neil: herman cain thank you for your indulgence. >>guest: by the way, neil, congratulations for being chairman chairman of the nutrition council. >>neil: don't ask. i'm telling you it is that nutty. >>guest: they will put me in charge of world pizza. >>neil: that would be fitting. fitting. >>guest: you have a -- handle nutrition and i will handle world pizza. >>neil: yours would be nutrition. you don't want to go my route on nutrition. >> this is in stores today, not pizza, but fancy tablets but will it get people in stores? at the east coast braces if a perfect storm should everyone
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.. >>neil: microsoft officially launching windows 8, they have now, popup stores. and now, lauren is in the middle of the action. what is this about? >> well, we are in one of the 34 holiday popup stores at microsoft where people are buying this surface tablet and this cover they snap together beautifully. you have a great device. this is popular and sets you back $500 for the 32 gig version and $120 for the cover. we have been here for a little while but it has not closed since it opened at 10:00 last night, the line has been gone. people are buying. a lost all cash buyers and
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robust demand, and even some sold out products with the blue fashion color we showed you is very hard to come by, they had to bring in some more and the 32 gig version of the "surface" they had to get more of those, too. if you are in the market for a tap let, if you do not know if you want the ipad or kindle or the surface, it could have something to do with the battery. how long does the battery last? how long does it last? >> all day. >> how long? >> all day. >> how long? >> all day. >> they have been doing that all day. you have a battery that lasts all day. and a kick stand that is popular. and the video is cool so me and my friends, quickly, malcolm, you have an ipad but you want to buy the tablet "surface." why? >>guest: it is amazing. it is like a revolutionary
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device. >> it is a big step up from microsoft but it is a lot to deal with at one time. it is a little confusing. >> it is confusing because of the windows 8. back to you. >>neil: there you go. thank you very much. people are into their work. that is good. and now, what do you have coming up? >>eric: a lot. first the economic numbers today: the g.d.p. and we will go down the list of where mitt romney was today talking about the economic plan and president obama was hang out with mtv so we will talk about that. and gr empty g has a great monologue on the new obama ad, and we will dig into what is going on in benghazi. a lot on the plate. wait, wait, wait, something
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else, and can you take this shot? look what they give us in the green room, i sometimes fill in for you and it is not like that. look at our food. >>neil: the first two tray on the left you can remove. but...well, we have pasta in the back if our guests. it is messy but, thank you. make a note of that. they have food. when the monster storm ships will it hit you at the pump? my insurance rates e probably gonna double.
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but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands?
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>>neil: there are worries that the storm could drive the
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gas prices back up and force refineries to shut down. our guest has seen this time and time again. and it could be particularly acute. explain. >>guest: it could be a disaster, a trick or a treat. right now, northeast refineries and supplies of gasoline are at historic lows. they depend on imports and refining capacity. we have 6.1 percent of the refining capacity along the northeast right now that is in jeopardy so if that shut down we can see a 25 to 50 cent rally. and now or side of the equation, if we miss it, the sell off we have seen in gasoline prices, the biggest in a quarter century, it could resume, so this storm could be a trick or a treat. watch it very carefully. >>neil: we have been on a 15-day slide, does it owe to the fact that there is a lot more
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oil out there than we thought? or is it just the world is going back into something bad? >>guest: something is going bad. supplies are at a 30-year high for crude oil. but gasoline supplies are at the lowest level they have been since 2009. president obama in the debate said the reason why the gasoline prices are low is because the who was sick. i am afraid what is happening in gasoline prices is because the economy is sticking in the united states and in europe and the uncertain cities that are killing the demand expectations and the reason we have seen the we gasoline prices plummet. >> this will not affect facilities in the gulf coast because there more in the gulf coast than off the east coast, right? >>guest: it is. you are starting to see the gasoline outages we have has affected different parts of the country in different ways. in california prices were going to record highs but in tulsa,
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oklahoma, prices were collapsing. more and more we are seeing the gasoline impacted by different things and regionalized because we change the way we consume energy. the infrastructure in this country has been built for the last 50 years to be an oil importer and that is changing. now we are an oil exporter to get the pipelines going the right way and we have a very bright future but it will be a few years down the road. >>neil: always a pleasure, sir. the other big worry is the elections themselves, right? and if there are massive power outages, will we be able to vote in and what do you do? now real clear politics. what do you do? >>guest: well, this is something both campaigns fear, such a tight close election that there is no margin for error so the campaigns are focused on especially the obama campaign, focused on turning out voters on
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election day. so, we have different states that are already voting trying to figure out how to accommodate the storm and how to make sure that people can get to the polls and make sure that the electronic voting booth in some the places are set and ready to go and there could be power outages and all sorts of things we cannot foresee. >>neil: say you are in a democratic stronghold and your people cannot vote and you obviously will make every effort to extend voting hours. do you sigh what i am saying? it could a legal slug fest that starts with a storm. >>guest: absolutely. it could extend beyond election
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day. >>neil: how likely is that? >>guest: it depends when the stock market hits. we are hearing it could hit, romney cancel the virginia beach rally this weekend so virginia will get hit this weekend, perhaps, as early as this weekend and the governor of virginia announced a state of emergency there so it depends on where the stock market hits. a lot of the states like i mentioned are voting early and north carolina, for example, they are already voting early. florida is starting this weekend and it is not supposed to be hit as hard as the others but it could have an impact there. >>neil: it comes back to how jazzed is your base. ronald reagan voters in 1980 who is walked over broken glass to vote. i am not sure either candidate
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enjoys that type of backing now, it depends on the area and where the president or the governor is getting but whose base is more jazzed to defy storms and to defy bad weather, to just get out there and vote no matter what? >>guest: well, we have seen the obama campaign really emphasize the usually voting. and the reason is for a various invite of different reasons but obama said yesterday it could rain or snow we don't know what it will be like. just get out and vote. in the urban areas, perhaps, where obama's base tends to be if high are numbers it is easier to get to the polls, and there is public transportation and --. >>neil: not if the power is out. >>guest: exactly. so if the power is out, look at more rural areas, for example, that would be troublesome for
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republicans but there was a weather channel survey that looked at this and independent voters, a third of them, said that they would be less likely or that the weather would impact whether they went to the ballot box and it also shows that democrats, more than republicans , had, the weather would have more of an impact on whether they would go dot polls. the obama campaign is focused specifically on turning out the base, more so that loan, at undecided or those kind of voters. i can see it cutting a variety of ways. >>neil: it could be a storm that amounts to nothing. nothing. we will see. since the president cursed him, it has created a huge storm.
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call today. ♪ ♪ >> neil: finally, this just grossed me out. i saw this anchor, my gosh, he was so incredibly fat, he looked like a balloon. how do they let somebody like that on the air? really. this guy was visually offensive. his face was so huge, his cheeks, my god! wait a minute you say, who are you, neil, to be lecturing anyone for big cheeks? who am i indeed. which is why i wouldn't do that or say that, why i wouldn't especially hint. that knowing that that is totally broadcast b.s., which makes me wonder why the president is calling out his opponent for b.s., telling
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"rolling stone" magazine that he is a he may be, but that assumes that you are not. a guy who shifted position on the middle east faster than me at baskins robbins. saying he wouldn't hike premiums that have seen the premiums soar. the other guy is a the best defense is a good offense, but give one for the president, for chutzpah. you're just total too skinny. it would be b.s. it breaks the b.s. code. the sacred rule among b.s.ers they will never charge another with the very character flaw they, themselves, exhibit. put in the another way. before you call another guy a make sure no one can check back and say wait, you're a
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it gets ugly or messy. you have to be morally fit to say the other guy is full of -- not fit. unless, unless, what you sling at mitt truly is total bull mitt. i could have said worse. and called the president a fat liar. but that would be a lie. the president is not fat. okay. relax. you know? like me saying, you know, put that canoli down! you can't make this stuff up. i mean, we live in a country where we just hear stuff. that makes sense. perfect sense. stop it! all right. this is the kind of stuffily not tolerate with our special election councilmember any guest left or right, we stop


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